Keep The Wrong Things Out

The secret to restoring your body’s health, energy and vitality lies in your diet.

What you eat plays a critical role in how well your body heals, functions, and thrives. The Four Jars Diet is specifically designed to give your body exactly what it needs while keeping out the things that can disrupt your progress or throw off your body’s balance.

But here’s the challenge: keeping the wrong things out. We often hear that “everything in moderation” is fine, but is it really? Imagine being offered a teaspoon of battery acid—you’d refuse it. Now, what if that acid was hidden in something sweet, like cake batter? You still wouldn’t eat it, right? Yet, processed foods do just that, masking harmful ingredients with appealing flavors. The truth is, even in small amounts, those toxins disrupt your body’s chemistry, just like gravity pulls you down if you step off a cliff. By avoiding harmful ingredients, you give your body the chance to function at its best and thrive.

What Are PECs?

The food supply chain today is a minefield of harmful substances used in farming, processing, and even directly added to recipe ingredients! Not to mention the ones that are secretly included in the definition of foods (ergo not listed on ingredient labels) and even the processing methods themselves. There are literally thousands of harmful processes and additives in “food” today. I call them PECs.

It’s a mess out there! It would be impossible to make eating simple if we focused on all the harmful stuff and you had to watch for it one by one.

“There is a very simple way to keep the wrong things out of your body. If it cannot exist without a factory, don’t put it into your body”

That makes sense, right? It’s not a perfect rule, there are packaged foods that are okay. However they are so few that you could look for weeks and not find one, and the ingredients constantly change. A food that is okay today may contain harmful additives next week. It’s just much simpler to follow the basic rule above.

Additives come in three varieties that I call PECs: Preservatives, Enhancers, and Conditioners.

PPRESERVATIVES kill or inhibit bacteria to slow or stop food from spoiling. Seems like a good idea on the surface, saving money and limiting waste. The problem is that bacteria is the primary instrument of food digestion in your body! Kill or inhibit bacteria and you cannot efficiently digest your food nor absorb its nutrients. Some preservatives come disguised as nutrients, don’t fall for it!

EENHANCERS make creamy things creamier, sweet things sweeter, crunchy things crunchier, yellow things yellower… you get the idea. If I say “Cheetos Orange” chances are good you know exactly what I am talking about. Nothing in nature is that specific color! That is enhancers. That treat with a flavor out of this world? Nothing in nature tastes like that. It is created with harmful additives.

CCONDITIONERS are used in food processing to ensure that every sample of a product is exactly like the one before it and the one after it. In this day of food being made by machines, that kind of uniformity is essential or else the machine will jam. That may save money for food processers, but it is harmful to put those unnatural additives into your body.

At first you may feel deprived by not eating processed foods packed with toxic, harmful additives. Just remember, nearly everything you love can be made at home using only natural ingredients that serve your body, helping to unleash your naturally healthy, beautiful self. It might take a little learning, but trust me– you will love the way it tastes, the way it makes your body feel, and your sense of pride that follows.

"The 4 Jars Diet has been a game changer for me! It's so easy to follow and doesn’t make me feel restricted like other diets. I’m eating foods I enjoy, losing weight, and my skin has never looked brighter!"
Emily R.

The New Rules of Diabetes program was created to help stop the pandemic of diabetes. The program offers guidance on how to implement the 4 Jars Diet into your life to Kiss Diabetes Goodbye for good! If you would like to find out more about the New Rules program, click on the button below.